Equality Nevada Food Drive

In times of duress and challenge, it is important to remember that we are all one community and that race, creed, sexual orientation and gender do not matter, we must look out for each other and lift each other up.  Today Equality Nevada and the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada joined forces to hold a food drive for people in the community in need.  Pallets of food, produce, water and beverages were donated by many local businesses including Oyo Hotel and Casino, Planet H2O, Wynn Resort and nonprofit Three Square.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who donated and volunteered for this event.  We served approximately 500 plus people and the response from those who came to pick up donations was heartfelt and appreciative.

In all honesty, these are times that are challenging but we will work through this together by being safe, maintain social distancing and be mindful to look out for our families, friends and our chosen families. We will prevail and emerge from this dark period stronger and hopefully more aware and appreciative of what truly matters in life, love, brotherhood, community and kindness.  If  there was any doubt in anyone’s mind about the resilience and dedication of our community, then the events of today should wash those doubts away.  Stay strong Vegas, we are all in this together.